Most Supportive Grandparent 2024
Winner: Mdm Lim Pau Lin
Mdm Lim Pau Lin was nominated by her daughter, Jiezhen Wu:
“My mother told me from the start she wanted to support me in this journey and always shared the benefits of breastfeeding with me. But she also told me that support is so important and something she didn’t have when she has us and was actually discouraged from feeding or questioned if she had enough supply so she didn’t want me to have that same experience. When I was pregnant she tried to show me how to latch baby by demonstrating with a teddy bear which was the cutest thing, and when I had baby she would check in on me everyday and remind me to rest and take it easy so the milk would come.
She also made sure I had lots of milk boosting soups and was nourished and fed so that I would feel replenished which would also help me make milk for baby. And she was there when I was crying and doubting if I had enough. So so grateful for my mama.”
Shortlisted Nominees
- Mdm Lee Yin Chun (2nd from left)
- Mdm Ching Bay Yoke (in pink)
Mdm Lee Yin Chun was nominated by Michelle (Daughter):
During her time, the importance of breastfeeding was not taught. Despite that, she is willing to pick up the knowledge and encourages me to breastfeed my child.
At the start of my breastfeeding journey as a first time mom, I didn’t enjoy breastfeeding. It was painful and lots of uncertainty, but my mom is there to give support and reassure me that I am doing well. She provided me the emotional support that I needed too!
(She ensured) that I have enough rest, food to eat and stayed hydrated always. (She also) care(d) for my baby so that I will have peace of mind.
Mdm Ching Bay Yoke was nominated by Neubronner Jasmine (Daughter):
She knows the importance of breastfeeding, did not get a chance to do so with her own children, and thus, wants her own grandchildren to have breastmilk.
During confinement, she will be there to pass baby to me and always asks, ‘which breast?’, so she can pass baby from the correct side to me. On days when I’ll be (too) tired to latch, she will encourage me to pump and provide syringe feeding/bottle feeding. When baby grows older, she will learn to thaw (and) warm (up) (breast)milk and feed baby when I go back to work. She supports my breastfeeding journey 200% since 2017.
(She) allowed me to entrust her with breastmilk, knowing she will not provide other forms of milk or water.