Most Supportive Friend or Family Member 2024

Most Supportive Friend or Family Member 2024

Most Supportive Friend or Family Member

Winner: Thanusiya

Thanusiyah was nominated by Ponmani (Friend):

“On days that I feel low about being a mum, she encourages me by saying how proud she is of the sacrifices that I’ve made for my children, especially by exclusively latching my son and pumping for my older child. Even though she is not a mother yet, she always asks me breastfeeding related questions so that she can be prepared for her turn. My kids are always with me so on days that I go out with her, she’s always happy to only go to places where there are nursing rooms and she has never complained about waiting with me in there while I feed my children. I might not have a village but I have an amazing friend like her.”

Shortlisted Nominees:

  • Suropurnama Sari (2nd from right)
  • Tay Li Ling (represented by Tay Kai Ling, 3rd from right)

Suropurnama Sari (foreign domestic worker) nominated by Serene Heng (employer):

I am an exclusive pumping mother for all of my 3 children. I pumped 1 year for the first 2 kids and intend to pump 1 year for my third baby, too. As an exclusively pumping mother, the amount of pump parts I have is massive. All the washing and sterilisation throughout the day can be very tedious. Not forgetting, preparing the sterilised parts and cooler bag for me in the morning so that I can bring (them) to work. Even when we travelled overseas with my helper, she continued to help me take care of my (children) so that I have time to pump. I wouldn’t have persevered to breastfeed for so long if not for her support and help.

She has made my breastfeeding journey a lot more enjoyable as I do not need to worry about washing the pump parts or (having) someone to look after my children while I pump.

Tay Li Ling was nominated by Tay Kai Ling (sister):

Li Ling provided much encouragement in my early breastfeeding days, assisting to check on baby’s latching to her best ability. She encouraged me to continue with direct latching when I felt like giving up and directed me to an IBCLC for further support. She continued to check in frequently over the next few months, providing reassurance and encouragement especially through the cluster feeding phases. Upon my return back to work, she gave me her portable pumps, (which) were still in great condition, Ceres chiller and cooler bags so that I could (continue) pumping while at work to continue providing breastmilk for my child. Having exclusively pumped for her first child and direct latched her second, while juggling full time work, she understood the challenges of a breastfeeding working mum and listened to my breastfeeding woes without judgement.

Her encouragement, especially in the early days, gave me the motivation and support to push through the steep learning curve of breastfeeding a newborn and I’m still on the breastfeeding journey for my 19mo despite going through a major surgery where I was warded for 7days at 4months postpartum. I couldn’t have done this without her support.