Defining the BMSG Volunteer Breastfeeding Counsellor

Defining the BMSG Volunteer Breastfeeding Counsellor

Defining the BMSG Volunteer Breastfeeding Counsellor


Breastfeeding counsellors are experienced mothers who have breastfed for at least nine months. As a breastfeeding counsellor, you will receive extensive training in:

  • Basic breastfeeding guidelines
  • Common breastfeeding challenges faced by mothers

Upon the conclusion of the training, you will begin your role as a BMSG Volunteer Breastfeeding Counsellor on BMSG service platforms. You will offer ideas and suggestions to other mothers without giving unwarranted advice or being judgemental. You will help mothers to explore their options, determine their goals and teach them to make informed decisions.

As a BMSG Volunteer Breastfeeding Counsellor, you have a duty to provide mothers with accurate and unbiased information that enables them to make informed decisions. In the scenario that you deem yourself to be under-qualified to deal with a problem, you may refer the beneficiary to a more experienced counsellor.

You must provide mothers with non-judgemental support and put aside any personal views on parenting topics. Every individual has a unique and distinct personality as well as differing life circumstances. A BMSG Volunteer Breastfeeding Counsellor must understand that every mother does what she perceives to be best for her loved ones and herself.